Hello everyone, on this occasion I will share my experience in choosing a web hosting for your website or web-based application. I began to be interested in the world of technology since I entered grade 1 of junior high school, and then began to learn about the world of the internet and websites. Until I graduated from high school, I ran the web but used third party platforms like blogger and wordpress (not independently hosted).
Then when I entered college I started trying to create my own website and application website where I really needed a web hosting to make the web accessible globally. Well at that time there were so many free web hosting providers that offered a variety of choices to suit your needs. I then tried a free web hosting provider, and then uploaded my web file to the web hosting. Indeed, for some time my web has been running smoothly, but after a few weeks the web I started getting a lot of traffic was a problem that made my head quite dizzy.

Web Hosting Service
It was very dizzy, it was because when my web was starting to develop it suddenly experienced a suspended account notification. From there then I tried to register with another free web hosting provider and began to move back to my web, but not the one that was updated but returned as the first time I uploaded files on the first web hosting. The second one is quite smooth because there is no suspended account notification, but there is a new problem that arises, namely “Bandwidth Limit Exceeded” notification, after I learned further that previously unlimited bandwidth traffic has a limit of only 30GB and maximum website visitors allowed is 2000 monthly visitors. Hmm, I had to move my files to another server again and again until finally I decided to use free web hosting as a trial tool only, while for the web that was ready for production I started planning to use paid web hosting.

Wen Hosting Server
And I began to look for information about paid web hosting that fits my budget. Quite difficult indeed to determine good web hosting but at affordable prices. I also had to experience the migration of data from one place to another even though I already used paid web hosting. That is because many web hosting that I feel are not very clear in their promotion techniques, many say that the resource we get is unlimited but there are actually many conditions that bind the statement. Hmmm it feels even more dizzy because it’s already paid but it’s still the same. Well, reflecting on this experience, I would like to give some suggestions to you, especially those who have never or are trying to find good web hosting so that you are not caught up in the words of promotion of web hosting providers. for that we just start discussing it:

Web Apps Specifications
1. Get to know your web application needs and adjust to your budget. To do this, you have to think about the system or web platform and also the web application that you will build, your target audience is whether global or local, what website content you will build (whether it contains videos, pictures, or only contains text news) information), as well as several other factors that might be your particular consideration. That way you will know the description of what web hosting is that meets the requirements that you think.

Web Hosting Performance to Run Your Website
2. Quality of server performance and hardware used. Finding out the quality of server performance from existing web sites is a must. The performance of a server is also strongly influenced by the hardware-hardware used. For that consider the hardware specifications embedded in the server by looking for information on what processor is used, how much RAM is used, hardware technology, connectivity used and also other things in accordance with the web you need.

Good Custumer Service With Good Response
3. Good Customer Support. With the existence of good customer support, we can be sure that the web hosting provider has dedication in carrying out its business. You certainly do not want when suddenly something happens to your web and you do not know what is the cause then when you try to contact customer service it turns out there is no reply or reciprocate long enough and thus makes you experience a loss. I have experienced this, and the solution is almost a month. caused me to experience a lot of losses and after that I didn’t think long to move directly to another provider that was more responsive and more professional even though the old provider gave the lure of various advantages given as a form of apology, but imagine 1 month the solution made a lot My readers leave my website.

Affordable Web Hosting Price
4. Affordable prices and clear services, why don’t I recommend unlimited? . Yes, indeed unlimited is something very good and is coveted by web developers, but this unlimited word often makes many web developers disappointed because in reality there are many limitations. Therefore try to find web hosting at affordable prices and try to ask for the specifications of the package you want to buy even with unlimited labels though. This is because in this world there are limits, even though it is said to be unlimited.

Web Hosting Guarantee Service
5. A clear guarantee, a dedicated web hosting provider certainly has a good standardization guarantee. Is that a guarantee in the form of an up-time server up to a money back guarantee if it is not able to provide services in accordance with what the provider states.
Each provider certainly has their own policies in matters of warranty, it would be good if you try to find information such as what guarantees are given, if that is a money back guarantee then look for how much the return is given, the repayment period, and also the system for returning your money later.

Web Hosting Best Additional Features
6. Additional features and advantages offered. In addition to the main features, you must also pay attention to the additional features that the provider has for the package you want to buy. Additional features can be in the form of Spam Filter, Firewall, DDoS protection, or the ease of the panel such as a web installer (softaculous, Auto Installer, etc.) which later can help and facilitate you in managing your website.

Web Server Location
7. Choose the location of the web hosting or server provided by the web hosting provider in accordance with the target of your website visitors. This serves to provide more optimal service and access in accordance with the region of your website visitors. If your target is people in Amreka, look for a server that is in America, don’t look for servers located in Europe and vice versa.

Web Hosting Customer Reviews and Feedback
8. The last and also important thing is to try to find out reviews from customers who have purchased web hosting services from the provider. Try to look at reviews that are in open forums about web hosting and not from reviews on the provider’s website. Because if you only see a review written on the provider’s website, it does not rule out the possibility that the review is a promotional review deliberately made by the provider. I have experienced it and then when I try to find a review on web hosting forums it turns out that there are many customers who complain and are disappointed with the service of the web hosting provider.
Okay, that’s some of my suggestions in choosing good web hosting for your website and web application, if you have other suggestions and opinions, then you can send the information in the contact us section, and your suggestions might be added to provide insight and information more useful. Thank you for reading my writing this time and always waiting for my next post, Right.