Battery is one of the important elements in a smartphone. The development of the smartphone world is very fast, but even so the problem of battery life remains one of the problems that still often arise.
Maybe you want to know why your cellphone battery doesn’t last long, but beforehand let us first know about the smartphone battery itself.
Almost all smartphones today use Lithium ion technology batteries or commonly abbreviated as Li-ion batteries. This battery is a type of battery by using the contents of the element lithium which can be recharged and also its sleek shape makes this type of battery a very suitable choice for today’s cellphones.

Make your Cellphone battery last longer
Even so, developments in research about batteries can be said to be quite slow and even experiencing congestion. This is inversely proportional to other components such as processors and GPU mobile phones which are currently capable of being equivalent to the capabilities of a computer, the development of increasingly stunning screen technology, and also other components.
The current development is only focused on how to optimize charging time with the fast charging method or wireless charging only. While for the development that is significant for now it has not been able to be realized.
Smartphones with increasingly sophisticated features can no longer be denied. The power consumption needs are also quite large. Therefore sometimes smartphones like that have enough problems with weight, because to provide maximum performance requires a large enough battery.

smartphone battery
Then with the times, now the application tends to have a push notification feature that keeps an application running to keep getting updates both information and messages continuously making the smartphone CPU performance continue to work and have an effect on battery consumption.
With the CPU working continuously it will produce a heat effect on the device. Well, you need to know that the power on the Li-ion battery will be very easily drained when your smartphone’s temperature increases. It’s like when you play a game with high specifications on your cellphone, of course the battery will run out very quickly, right?
Now, how do you make your HP battery last longer? let me give you the following tips:

How to make your cell phone battery last longer
1. Activate the power saving mode feature on your smartphone, so your mobile will try to recognize applications and systems that are not so important and then the system will automatically limit excessive use of resources so as not to drain existing resources.
2. Turn off the push notifications feature for application applications that are not so important to you, use the feature for applications that you really need so that CPU performance is not too heavy. This is because the push notifications feature will keep the CPU working to get updated information, especially when the signal condition on your cellphone is not smooth it will cause your device to heat up faster.
3. Turn off / Kill applications that are not being used and even uninstall the application if it is really never used or not useful at all. That way you will save on CPU and RAM usage, especially if uninstalling the application will make your storage more loose than before which can also help improve the performance of your smartphone.
4. Save your smartphone at room temperature that is not too hot when not in use.
Now that’s some information about batteries and how to save your smartphone battery. Hopefully this information is useful and useful for all of you. Wait for other interesting information on the Novice Area blog. Thanks.