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Preventing and Handling Corona Virus Infection With Global Corona Virus Live Monitoring

Real Novice - 17 February, 2020 - 0 comments

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Starting in early 2020, Corona Virus Attack has become one of the shocking news of the world where until now its spread is still ongoing throughout the world, especially in mainland China. It is estimated that the number of patients who have been infected by this virus at the time this article was written is around 70,000 people who have been confirmed and treated. And to see the status of the development of the spread of Corona Virus Novel can be seen in the live map below:

From the map of the spread we can see that the spread of the Corona Virus Novel is very fast and massive. And for that you need to know how to prevent it so that you can minimize the risk of being infected by this virus.

Prevention of Corona Virus infection
Until now, there is no vaccine to prevent the Corona virus. Therefore, the best way to prevent corona virus is to avoid the factors that can cause you to be infected with this virus, such as:
– Use a mask when on the move outdoors, especially if you are active in a public place.
– Routinely wash your hands with water and soap or hand sanitizer that contain alcohol after outdoor activities.
– Avoid contact with animals, especially wild animals. In case of contact with animals, wash your hands afterwards.
– Make sure you cook the meat completely before consuming it.
– Avoid traveling to China or other countries where Corona virus transmission has been found.
– Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, then throw the tissue in the trash.
– Do not touch the eyes, mouth and nose before washing hands.
– Avoid being close to someone who is sick.
– Keep clean objects that are often touched and environmental cleanliness.

A medic personnel is checking the Corona Virus Suspected Patient

A medic personnel is checking the Corona Virus Suspected Patient

While for someone who is suspected of being infected with the Corona virus, there are several steps you can take so that the virus does not spread to others, namely:
– Wear a mask and gloves when in a public place or with someone else.
– Use tissue to cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, then throw the tissue in the trash.
– Don’t leave the house, except to get treatment.
– Try to stay apart from other people for a while. If it is not possible, use a bedroom and bathroom that is different from what others use.
– Prohibit and prevent others from visiting or visiting you until you are completely healed.
– As much as possible do not have meetings with people who are sick.
– Avoid sharing eating and drinking utensils, toiletries, and bedding with other people.

Save you and your family from Corona Virus Corvid 2019

Save you and your family from Corona Virus Corvid-2019

Treatment of Corona Virus Patients
Corona virus infections have been reported to be cured with rapid treatment, and there are several steps doctors can take to relieve their symptoms before infecting more severely, as follows:
– Provide fever and pain relievers. However, doctors will not give aspirin to sufferers of Corona virus infection who are still children.
– Encourage and require patients to drink lots of water in order to maintain body fluid levels.
– Encourage sufferers to take a warm bath and use a humidifier, to relieve cough and sore throat.
– Encourage sufferers to get enough rest and do not leave the house to prevent the spread of the virus.

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