Hi everyone, after we discussed about the symptoms, how to treat, and prevent inflammation of the throat / strep throat in general, on this occasion we will discuss about the same thing but this time is how to treat strep throat in children naturally. Of course, for parents, it is very sad to see their child experience strep throat which makes the desire to eat decrease. Therefore, parents can follow a number of natural remedies to help your child recover from the bad feeling in their throat. Well, let’s discuss some effective natural ways to treat strep throat in children.
1. Give and Utilize Banana Fruit to Your Children

Fresh Banana for Strep Throat Treatment on Children
Bananas are the right intake for people with strep throat because this one fruit is soft and contains no acids. Therefore, this fruit is suitable for the throat of a child who is experiencing strep throat. Bananas also contain vitamin C which is good for the immune system.
2. A combination of Honey and Lemon
Lemon can help smooth digestion and a source of vitamin C that boosts the immune system. Meanwhile, honey provides a layer of throat so that your child can eat more comfortably. The sweet taste is also definitely liked by children.

Honey and lemon that effective to cure strep throat for children
A study also revealed, one tablespoon of honey has a better effect to relieve strep throat, compared with cough medicine. To serve, mix 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of lemon. Warm the mixture and give your child about 1 teaspoon. Save the mixture and give 2-3 times a day. However, keep in mind that honey should not be given to children aged less than 1 year.
3. Warm Drinks with Ginger
Ginger turns out to not only make food more delicious you know. Ginger contains anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve pain in the throat. A study also shows ginger extract can help kill bacteria that cause disease.

Ginger for strep throat treatment
Serve ginger as a warm drink. If your child feels that ginger is too spicy, add honey or sugar as a sweetener so he is more enthusiastic about drinking it.
4. Salt and Water Solution

Water and salt for soar and strep throat treatment
A mixture of salt and water is one of the natural methods that have been used since ancient times to relieve strep throat. Salt, which of course Moms have in the kitchen, turns out to function as an anti-bacterial! Mix warm water and add half a teaspoon of salt. Ask your child to gargle with the mixture 5-6 times a day.
5. Juice from Bombay Onions
In addition to making dishes more delicious, it turns out onions can also relieve strep throat. There are anti-bacterial and antiseptic natural ingredients found in onions.

Bombay Onions for Medical Treatment
Give 1 teaspoon of onions that have been processed into juice and give to your child in the morning when his stomach is still empty. Another option is to mix the onion juice with a glass of water and ask your child to gargle with the mixture.
6. Garlic

Garlic is effective for sore throat
Like Bombay Onions, garlic also has anti-bacterial properties. Mash some garlic fruits, then boil in boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain the stew and give it to your child to drink.
7. Yogurt
By consuming yogurt, good bacteria in the body will increase, so the healing process of the body will run faster. To achieve maximum results, give your child yogurt and leave it for 30 minutes. Avoid giving him food and other drinks during this period.

Yogurt is good for cure children’s strep throat
This will help good bacteria work more optimally and make your child’s throat more comfortable. In addition to its good taste, yogurt can also be a cure for strep throat.
Well that’s seven ways and ingredients that you can find and follow easily from home to help relieve strep throat that is experienced by your child safely and naturally. Hopefully this article helps and your child recovers quickly.