Windows Mac or Linux
Hello, this is my very first post in the Novice Area. Today I will take the role to discuss about something that a novice really should know about the Operating System. Windows(powered by Microsoft Corporation) , Mac (Macintosh that officially powered by Apple.inc) or Linux ( Consists of many variants and commonly used as Distros that rise up by Community) that perfectly suitable for your needs.
In this age we are faced with that three big competitor of operating systems that comes to be a dilemma when you are a novice and want to work with it. Each of them are extremely make a huge progress to fulfil the needs of their users. And in this article I will give you an easy and comprehensive knowledge as a novice to give you the hints of each Operating System with their advantages and disadvantages by my experiences.
Well yeah, Windows is the Operating System that have been developed by Microsoft Corporation since decades ago, and now it come to the very last version Windows 10. They have made a huge strike when the Windows XP launched and it become the mostly Operating System that used by people around the world. And since Microsoft decides to end the XP support at 2014, now according to my observations there is Windows 7 as the XP successor ( since Vista series seems to be like a failed product with tons of problems, especially from it’s very bad performances). This OS mostly like have about 80% users of this world populations.

Windows 10
Windows well known as the user friendly OS with the very huge supports of hardware , software, and developer. Almost something that you need, you will get it on WindowsPlatform although they well known as the closed-source on most of their code. Something that have big advantages there also have a disadvantages too ( according to the words “ Nothing is Perfect in This World”), the most problem of Windows family is about Viruses, Spyware, and Malware that have many variants since the very beginning of this OS.
Mac OS or Macintosh OS is the most big competitor of Windows Family that powered by Apple inch. Mac OS come with very great in their interface with many integrated programs that specially build and bundle with each Mac version. Mac OS is build from two kernel systems combination, they are Darwin and Unix kernel. Mac OS is very loved by their users for it’s performance , stability, and durability since Mac OS comes with specific hardware that specially build for. For many years, Mac OS claimed that it was resistant from viruses but since few years ago it seems like virus maker of this OS has been increased and they now also have the problem with virus, malware, and spyware although that not much as Windows.

Mac OS X
Mac OS mostly used by people who working on multimedia like photographers, video makers, film industry, etc. They really have a great tool for it such as Final Cut Pro. They are a complete OS but the programs maybe not much like Windows. You are also really hard to make your own customization both of from hardware side and software since most of them are assembled specially ( and most of their spare parts are expensive enough).
Linux is the general term that used for his large collection of Linux distributions (Linux Distros) where each of distros used the Linux Main kernel as the OS platform foundation. Linux has many of distros and each of distros may have one or more subordinates. It’s the Open Source Operating System which means that everyone could make, build, make modifications, and anything freely. In Linux, if you have a good knowledge of programming there will be the best OS that will fulfil your needs.
You know, since Linux is grown up from huge of it’s community, it’s have the right solutions for the disadvantages from Windows and Mac Os. If Windows has problem with annoying viruses then Linux is the solutions like Mac OS (although in this era Linux also has some of viruses and its subordinates) and if Mac OS has limited support of hardware then Linux has a big support of hardware just like Windows.But for a novice or common person, Linux is really hard to be use.

Linux Centos 7
Linux is widely used in the Open Source community and also by Enterprise Industry that specially handling network , server, and datacenter infrastructure. With his best performance to handling process and request as a server.
Overall, each of the Operating System has its own advantages and disadvantages. But just in my experienced if you a gamer, student, or person who working in the office and use sharing environment I will recommend Windows as the best OS choice. If you are a person who interested in the multimedia and anything connected to it I will suggest you to use Mac OS. And if you were a geek student, person who work on network and server then Linux will be suitable for you.
Well that is my experienced as a novice when using each of OS, I just give you the recommendations but the choice is depend on you. Thank you very much for visit and read my blog. If you have any idea, suggestion, comment or something in your head then just send me the note of comment below. See you on my next post.

Windows mac Linux